Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Loosening up - week 1

I'm taking an online painting class from Patti Mollica called "Loosening up", all about - you guessed it - loosening up your painting style. For our 1st week homework assignment we had to paint with a HUGE brush - these were all painted with a 2-inch brush. (I usually paint with about a 1/2-inch brush, for reference.) It was hard to relinquish control to the massive brush, but I can't believe how "painterly" these turned out!

Loose apple - acrylic on 6x6 in. paper

Loose rose - acrylic on 8x8 in. paper

Loose tulips - acrylic on 6x6 in. paper

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Planter and Apples

The latest still life...

Planter and Apples - acrylic on 12x12 in. canvas

Monday, May 11, 2020

Sunflowers and Clementines

I love the shape that raggedy sunflower heads make, they’re so charming!

Sunflowers and Clementines- acrylic on canvas

Friday, May 8, 2020

Lilacs and Lemons

The lilacs always bloom in May here in Minnesota, and today seemed like a good day to try painting some. I don’t have any in my yard but thankfully there are nice reference photos available on my beloved Paint My 

Lilacs and Lemons - acrylic on 9x12 canvas

Friday, May 1, 2020


I think there’s something really charming and cute about eucalyptus. I tried growing some a few years back with the idea of painting lots of still lifes with it, but the plant never really took off. This is painted from a reference photo on Paint my

Eucalyptus in Red Vase - acrylic on 8x10 in. canvas