Monday, April 29, 2019


I've been obsessed with Holly Lombardo's tree paintings for a while now,  I love her use of color and simplification of the nature scenes she paints.  I've been inspired to try some tree scenes of my own. This is from a reference photo on Paint My

Sunlight - Acrylic on 5x7 in. gessobord

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Cadmium Comet

This was a paint rescue mission! I mixed some paint for another painting that ended up going south, and I realized the colors were right for this boat I’ve been wanting to paint. Lots of cadmium colors in this one.

Cadmium Comet - 6x8 in. on gessobord

Friday, April 19, 2019


This sweet boy is Lance, he crossed the rainbow bridge in December and the painting was commissioned as a Mother's Day gift.  I was glad I'd painted a few German Shepherds before, their variegated (is that the right word?) fur can be tricky and I felt more confident going in.

Lance - 8x10 in. on gessobord panel

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Happy birthday Kari!

I painted this little guy (gal?)  for my friend Kari's birthday, she loves bats. Thanks to Piotr Naskrecki for the permission to use his beautiful reference photo.  I'm still diggin' painting on a pink background.

Kbat - Acrylic on 5x7 in. gessobord