Monday, June 17, 2019

Cutest planter ever

I saw a photo of this planter on Instagram and just had to paint it. It didn't turn out quite as planned - the planter in the photo is white!! Clearly I need some work on assessing darker shades of white! I started with the darkest areas of the planter and then worked my way subtly lighter - next time I'll try starting with the lightest areas and working my way subtly darker instead.  I think the back half of the body is kind of ok-ish, but the front half and the head are way too dark.  I have the same problem when trying to paint my white cat - I make the darker areas waaaay too dark.

I'll probably try painting this exact reference photo again in the near future because I think this is the cutest planter ever!

Cutest planter ever - Acrylic on 6x6 in. hardboard panel

Many thanks to Belinda at @plantloversonly for the use of her photo.


This was a recent commission, in the reference photo the kitty was sitting very near a window and I tried going a little more blue-grey than just plain grey or white for the light reflecting on her dark fur, something I've seen other pet portraitists do.

Athena - Acrylic on 8x8 in. gessobord

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Practice paying off and DPW spotlight artist

I attempted this dog once or twice a year or two ago and wasn't able to successfully mix the right coloring for its fur. The look in its eyes made me want to keep trying. So I pulled it out again recently and finally had success!

Also in some exciting Daily Paintworks News, I am their spotlight artist this week - click here to see the interview. And I was a Judge's Pick in the May DPW painting contest, judged by none other than Carol Marine! Woo-hoo!

Pleeease?? Acrylic on 8x8 in. hardboard panel

Painting from life (peonies!)

Our beautiful blooming peonies inspired me to go out of my comfort zone and paint from a still life set-up. I almost always paint from reference photos. Truth be told, I did snap a picture of my still life set up to help with sketching it out, but then I painted from life. It's amazing how much more color and definition there is in life than there was in the photo I took! (though granted I was just using my phone camera).  I need to work on the subtly of my shadows, they are too dramatic.

Peonies Day 1 - Acrylic on 6x8 in. gessobord

Through the viewfinder

Peonies Day 2 - Acrylic on 6x6 in. hardboard panel