Friday, August 28, 2015

Is This Your Dog II

Another mystery dog I painted from a random Facebook photo, I forget whose. Is this your dog?

Friday, August 21, 2015

Driveway at The Farm

This painting is based on a beautiful photo my cousin Amy took of the driveway of the old family farm. It was an exercise in 'negative space' painting-- I started with a black canvas and then painted the sky and leaves around the tree trunks and branches, letting that define the shapes of the trunks/branches. Fun, fun!

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Painting class!

I took a great painting class up at the Art Colony in Grand Marais this past week. It was Monday through Friday from 9-4, so we painted our tails off! It was a great group of people, and the weather was gorgeous. I am feeling totally recharged! 

Here are some of the little still lifes I painted. These are hard for me since I usually paint from photos. Drawing 3D from life instead of 2D from photos is something I need to work on. 

Pine cone 



Folding chair

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Dandelion Disco

I've painted from this same reference photo before (see March 2014), but this time the colors took on a more 'nocturnal' feel. It's also a little bit in the way the painting photographed, it's not quite accurate. In any case, it kind of reminds me of a disco- I dig it!

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Focused Callie

Yet another Callie painting. She always looks so focused to me. I wish I knew what she was thinking! 

I'm taking a week-long painting class in Grand Marais next week, I hope to have lots to post after!