This day is such a sweet memory. Eddie, my dad and I were wandering around the old family farmstead (homesteaded in 1876!) near Paynesville, MN in late November 2009. Eddie was snapping pictures and got one of my dad and I walking towards one of the old buildings on the property. I love how one side of the building is so much more worn than the other.
The Shop (March 2014, 6"x6" gessobord) |
Another image based on pictures from that visit: the iconic (in my mind) turn onto the 1/4 mile long driveway leading to the old farmhouse where my grandma lived. The house is hidden by the woods.
Rural Route 2 (March 2014, 6"x6" gessobord) |
And last but not least: here is the upper half of the small Catholic church (St. Margaret's) in Lake Henry, MN, which is just a mile or so down the road from the family homestead. I've always loved this church, and as a kid when I'd see its twin steeples I'd know we were getting close to Grandma's house. This is only the top half of the church, some day when I'm more ambitious I'll paint the whole thing! It really is a beautiful little church.
St. Margaret's (March 2014, 8"x8" gessobord) |
I have more pictures from that day in my "to paint" file, stay tuned!